Saturday, November 26, 2016

Onassis Salinas Amodo
September 17, 1970 - November 19, 2016

It's with a sad and heavy heart to say that my brother passed away. He was surrounded with his loving family, singing worship songs, and prayers. Thank you all for those who prayed for us, please continue to do so, our family greatly appreciates it. 
Heavenly Father, Thank you for giving my brother into our lives. He touched so many of us in so many special ways. He loved us and I know you loved him so much. Thank you for taking away his pain, although now our family hurts we have the hope that you have a plan and purpose even in death. You promised us in John 3:16 that you love us so much that you gave Your Son so that we may not perish but have eternal life. I have faith in your promise that one day you will wipe away our tears and we get to fellowship with you forever. Through it all, I love you and will continue to be faithful. Please be with my family, his wife Puni, and his three sons: Jacob, Jaybez, and Jayden, please comfort them in this uncomfortable time. You also promised never to leave us. I trust you in that. Thank you Lord that I got to have so many wonderful memories with him. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Isaiah 40:28-31"Have you never heard? Have you never understood?  The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth.  He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.  He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.  even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.  But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings like eagles.  They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not faint." 

2 Timothy 4:7-8 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.  And now the prize awaits me-the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return.  And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing."  

Onassis, I miss you, I wish I had more memories with you but the ones I do have, I'll treasure for the rest of my life.  Like the time you flew with me to Alaska when I was eleven, the one time we flipped on the three wheeler, and those other times you took me out on you boat.  I love you, my dear brother. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Cancer Sucks

This picture above represents life.  A life worth living, worth breathing, worth it all.  This is my brother, Onassis, who has stage 4 lung, liver, and spine cancer.  He survived colon cancer a few years ago but it grew out into his other organs.  The doctors gave him only a few more months to live.

He has a wonderful family, wife, Puni; Three wonderful boys: Jayden, Jabez, and Jacob.  Both the oldest and middle children are football players and the youngest one is the sweetest 4 year old child.  They moved from Utah to Oregon to be closer to my other brother and sister who are care home owners and to be in their hospice care.  As soon as we heard the news, my mom travelled to Oregon by herself to be closer to him.  The rest of my family and his wife's family is here in Hawaii so it's really hard to be able to visit him.  I was able to FaceTime him on Sunday and he seemed to be in good spirits.

My brother Onassis in his prime. Fishing and owning a boat was his biggest desire back then. Brother, I remember the time I wanted to go out On the boat with you but everyone else was going fishing. You told me to come (even though I get sea sick) that we were gonna swim next to dolphins. Then you saw a whole bunch of birds near a buoy and stopped the boat. I never got to see dolphins and I got so sick, I was throwing up on the side of the boat. You told me "it's ok keep it up its like chum for the fishes!"

                                              Onassis's GoFund Me Page

This GoFundMe page is to help financially support him and his family but what I really desire is prayers that God will be present in this rough situation. 
Pray for peace in my family's hearts that we can trust and keep believing that no matter the outcome we will continue to love God because he is still on the throne. Miracles happen everyday, so please pray for more days so that he can keep fighting, more days to spend with his beautiful family, and comfort in what seems like his last days. 
If you feel lead to give, we appreciate you so much but if not, your prayers are priceless, the pleasing aroma unto God. Thank you. 
Revelation 8:2 I saw the Seven Angels who are always in readiness before God handed seven trumpets. Then another Angel, carrying a gold censer, came and stood at the Altar. He was given a great quantity of incense so that he could offer up the prayers of all the holy people of God on the Golden Altar before the Throne. Smoke billowed up from the incense-laced prayers of the holy ones, rose before God from the hand of the Angel.